SWE Luncheon

Andolini's Pizzeria 1552 E 15th St, Tulsa, OK

Come join the SWE Officers as we talk about what activities we are involved in.

ASHRAE Happy Hour & Speaker


March 30th Virtual Event – ABC’s for Women in the Workforce: Adapt, Blossom, Claim LeanIn.org recently published their Women in the Workforce 2020 report and the prospects look bleak. They challenge companies to use this information to lay the foundation for the future. This roundtable discussion uses this report as a framework to check in with […]

ASHRAE NEOK: Packaged Pump Systems

ASHRAE NEOK meets Wednesday, April 7, via GoToMeeting.  Join us at your computer, tablet or smartphone:  https://www.gotomeet.me/RPM1/northeastern-oklahoma-chapter-meeting.  Please logon by 11:50a, the presentation will begin after brief announcements.  You’re welcomed to turn on your video, the meeting is setup with all muted. This month’s topic is Packaged Pump Systems, as presented by Reece Robinson with Grundfos.  Mr. […]

TEF Quarterly Meeting

Virtual Meeting your office

The Tulsa Engineering Foundation will host their quarterly meeting on April 15, 2021.  All Board members and society liaisons are invited to attend.  It is open to the public. Information of the spring activities of TEF will be shared. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82929884357?pwd=SlpUQzBjS2s1ZURZSitMT3NtckpxUT09 Meeting ID: 829 2988 4357 Passcode: 257820 One tap mobile +13462487799,,82929884357#,,,,*257820# US (Houston)

SAME: Tulsa/West Tulsa Levee Repairs


Tulsa-West Tulsa Levee Repairs. Update on Repairs to Tulsa/West Tulsa Levees Speakers:USACE Tulsa, Engineering & Construction Division Ashley Allinder, PE, Deputy Chief; David Sconyers, PE, Infrastructure Branch Chief; and Rick Reese, PE, Resident Engineer, Tulsa Resident Office. Registration is required for this virtual event.  After registering, you will receive an email with a link to […]

Engineers Night Out – Virtual tour of FabLab Tulsa


The Engineers Night Out is an informal gathering of engineers in the community.  All are welcome.  We will take a virtual tour of the impressive FabLab Tulsa.  Everyone is welcome to fix their favorite beverage as we take the tour and share what is going on in our community. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93400198796?pwd=YldrSE1XbjJ1MEJyUW83OXdYditLZz09 5:30 pm […]

GPA Midstream Assc 2021 Technical Conference

Education GPA Midstream's Virtual Technical Conference features fifteen 30-minute technical presentations from industry experts. In addition, Freese and Nichols is offering two one-hour, interactive Professional Ethics for Engineers courses, giving professional engineers the opportunity to fulfill their annual ethics training requirements. View the Schedule:   https://web.cvent.com/event/7bb4926c-f422-4f3a-81ab-d2dc4e5c37e9/websitePage:645d57e4-75eb-4769-b2c0-f201a0bfc6ce Live Week, April 26 - 30 Participate in presentations followed […]

ASHRAE – YEA: Tulsa Drillers season opener

Please join us for our next Young Engineers in ASHRAE social event, for an evening of baseball on Tuesday, May 4th, to watch the Tulsa Drillers season opener.We ask that all interested parties please reach out to Zach Seizinger or Brian Biggerstaff so we can reserve tickets in advance. We invite all ASHRAE Members, and […]

ASHRAE: Standard 15 – A Review and Update


ASHRAE NEOK meets Wednesday, May 5, via GoToMeeting.  Join us at your computer, tablet or smartphone:  https://www.gotomeet.me/RPM1/northeastern-oklahoma-chapter-meeting.  Chapter meeting begins at 11:45a, the presentation will begin after brief announcements.  Installation of officers for the coming year will be after the presentation, only taking five minutes; please stay to meet your new officers for 2021-22. This […]