Oklahoma Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE)
The Oklahoma Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) was formed as a state Society of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) in 1935, dedicated to the promotion, protection, and advancement of the profession of engineering as a social and economic influence vital to the public welfare. OSPE has a vision to become the premier Oklahoma engineering organization representing and advocating all disciplines of engineering to the public.
Meetings: every other month. Rotates between the Tulsa Chapter and the Oklahoma City Chapter
TEF Representative: Karen VanSchoyck, P.E.
Website: www.ospe.org
Tulsa Chapter Officers
Tulsa Chapter Representative………………………………….Gaylon Pinc, PE. MATHCOUNTS Chairman…………………….. …………….. Gaylon Pinc Tulsa E-week Chairperson ……………………………………..Sarah Kellert Tulsa Chapter Treasurer……………………………………….. Karen VanSchoyck