The Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
The Tulsa Northeast Oklahoma SWE Section was chartered in 2002. The section sponsors professional development activities as well as outreach activities to promote engineering among young women. The Society of Women Engineers (SWE), founded in 1950, is a not-for-profit educational and service organization. SWE is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable career aspiration for women. SWE empowers women to succeed and advance in those aspirations and be recognized for their life-charging contributions and achievements as women engineers and leaders.
SWE Tulsa is partnering with award winning author Celeste Baine in her 100,000 Book Give-Away Is There an Engineer Inside You: A Comprehensive Guide to Career Decisions in Engineering.
Click here to download a copy of Is There an Engineer Inside You? A Comprehensive Guide to Career Decisions in Engineering to your iPad, laptop, or personal computer.
Celeste writes, “15 years ago, while a biomedical engineering student at Louisiana Tech University, I wrote the First Edition of Is There an Engineer Inside You?: A Comprehensive Guide to Career Decisions in Engineering. It was the book that I wished I’d had when I wanted to go to engineering school. Across the nation, 30-40 percent of students drop out of engineering each year. Is There an Engineer Inside You? can help. This book has been the #1 engineering career book at Amazon and a high-ranking career guide for over a decade. The new latest edition covers 45 different types of engineering and engineering technology, how to succeed in engineering school, women and minorities in engineering, engineering careers that make you say “wow!”, salary information and much more. It was recently positively peer-reviewed by over 50 engineering and engineering technology professors and is the most comprehensive book on engineering careers in the marketplace.”
SWE TEF Representative: Jessica Blake
918-728-4156; [email protected]
Section Web Site:
National Web Site:
Engineer Your Life is a great website for young women to explore the opportunities in engineering.